Seamore’s Misfits….
The name says it all. We are a bunch of friends, from a bunch of fizzled out groups. We wanted to stay together so we formed our own group. We have been labeled the friendliest and most welcoming group.
Even though we are technically a newer group, some of us have been traveling together for 15 to 20 years. Our group has turned into an extended family that stays connected throughout the year, not just at Hedo.
We are a group of thirds. 1/3 nudist, 1/3 lifestyle and 1/3 trying to figure out where they fall on this spectrum. So we have something for everyone. Feel free to join in with us and see why we are one of the fastest growing fun groups.
We can’t wait to get together with everyone again to reconnect, party and partake in some shenanigans.
Until September, much love and respect,
Jennie, Paul and all the Misfits